Sunday, July 18, 2010

How to get by with No Internet...

So far, the most frustrating part of my trip is not having access to a computer. My roommate and I didn't bring our laptops because we thought we would have regular access to a computer while we were here. We didn't plan for the unexpected so it has been a challenge to get things done. Here's a list of how I have gotten by:

  • I used the business computer lab when it was open during the first full week of the program.

  • I used the engineers computer lab

  • I singned up for unlimited e-mail (sending/recieving) before I left the US. It cost less than $15 US and it was well worth it. I was able to e-mail my family to let them know that I was ok since I couldn't skype.

  • I went to the Internet Cafe. My roommate Paulina and I stumbled in here today. What a life saver (the business and engineering labs were closed)! It cost only 20NT for 1hour or 50NT for 3hours. You can't beat that!

  • Dig, Search, Climb, hang just right from the side of a building to get wifi...its well worth it! One thing my roommate and I did bring was an apple ipod touch. We're surfing the web like mad women when we can find a little wifi. You will usually see me with my ipod and my cell phone going at the same time. My cell phone has wifi capabilities so I can surf the web, text, and make phone calls for free with my cell phone. I LOVE MY BLACKBERRY!

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